Archive for the 'DX' Category

Gadget Deals of The Week

1. Retro Cassette Tape Fashion Shoulder Bag $6.90 2. Retro Jean Shorts Cellphone Carrying Case $5.10 3. Easy Sport Counting Jump Rope $9.80 4. Mini USB Charging Guitar Amplifier $21.40 5. FeiFan Drift Skate Boards $54.80

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Charge up on awesome, USB Rechargeable AA Batteries

Yup, they finally did it. AA USB Batteries. They work like real Double-A batteries but you just plug them into your USB port after to charge ’em up. Genius! Guys, I gotta say, I’m quite enjoying these batteries. I never have to worry about where I put the old battery charger ever again and I […]

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Transform your pants into a retro masterpiece with this belt buckle from DX

This fancy shmancy belt buckle comes in autobots or decepticons and guess what? It also holds a zippo! However, I find it quite disturbing carrying a lighter so close to my balls. But when I think about it, the potential for having great balls of fire might not be so bad. Get the Decepticons or […]

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DX butchers the transformers with these weird weird stickers

Well here’s an interesting find that doesn’t make any sense. It’s some really bad engrish Decepttcon transformers stickers. Police? Does that even make any sense? And what transformer was around in 1865? Yup. Exactly what I thought. Just another interesting product we found from DX. Get these Decepttcon stickers here because hey, we all make […]

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