Archive for the 'Case' Category

We’re on a Muppet Roll with the Muppet Show Lunch Box!

The Muppet Show Lunch Box. Possibly the coolest lunch box of all-time. Pretty much. It somewhat reminds me of those old McDonalds collectors glasses from way back in the day: Probably because they have muppets on them. None the less, it’s time to get things started and replace that paper bag I always take to […]

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Stackable fridge – a nice concept for roommates

The Stackable Fridge concept is a nice idea – especially if you live with roommates. This way you can fill your section of the fridge with whatever you want. I also can’t help but think it would be useful for a chef, or someone like myself. I’m pretty particular about organization: Top of the fridge […]

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Mo:Ben, a tiny portable food container with a built-in heater

Our good neighbours from down under have created the Mo:Ben. It’s a handy little compact food container inspired by the Japanese Bento Box. It’s a compact design so you can take it anywhere, pack anything and even has a spot for your fork and spoon/knife. Which somewhat resembles a spork and a spnife which I […]

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Tunefoot makes legs for your laptop or iPhone

Wow, finally an idea that makes sense. Prop up your iPhone, stop it from sliding, or simply keep your laptop a little cooler with these adhesive legs. They stay flat until you flip them out, and are removable if you change your mind. Get your own legs for your iPhone or Laptop here

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