Archive for the 'Advertising' Category

Antibacterial pen? That’s sick!

Being a Germaphobe, I was very thrilled to find this invention. This cool pen is antibacterial, that means it’ll kill 99.9% of all germs it comes in contact with. I can almost rest easy now. Almost. I got one for my office but everyone keeps on taking it due to it’s awesome nature. So now […]

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Say goodbye to pelicans everywhere, the Neckline Slimmer is here

I’m not going to be the one to tell you this is the perfect gift, because it isn’t. It’s the worst gift you could ever give someone. Unless you wanted them to dump you. In which case, best gift ever. Even if you have a friend that’s a pelican it’s still not a recommended gift. […]

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Play More: Ball Paper Garbage

Something tells me this idea should be used for an advertisement, like for adidas or nike. It’s basically a pattern of a ball printed on a piece of paper that you are meant to roll into a ball and play with. I like it. It’s simple, and it works. More information on these paper balls […]

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A really stupid invention that makes me happy, the Comfort Wipe

Okay. So basically wiping your ass with your hand (and toilet paper of course) is “archaic and disgusting”. So some genius decided to advance how we use toilet paper into the 21st century. In the video you will notice a large male whom totally swears by it. But yah…I’m pretty sure this thing has allowed […]

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