Archive for the 'Accessories' Category

EasyCAP for Mac OS with USB 2.0 Audio/Video Capture is finally here

Well, it’s finally arrived. An EasyCAP (Easy CAP) for Mac OS with USB 2.0 Audio/Video Capture/Surveillance Dongle for under $26 bucks. Everything works pretty much like the original, (which I reviewed here) however all of those with a Mac OS simply plug and play! So, yah. Enjoy…In the meantime I guess you could always spend […]

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Black Bar Censor Sunglasses for your summer photos

These aren’t as dorky as Kanye West Shades, but they’d be guaranteed to sell if someone famous ever wore them in the street to avoid paparazzi. They are censored bar sunglasses that block you out of every photo you are in so no one knows who you are. Pretty sweet. This is the ultimate facebook […]

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Possibly the coolest towel ever, the Summer BBQ Beach Grill Towel

Possibly the coolest towel of all-time, the Summer BBQ Beach Grill towel is great for toasting your buns on the beach. 30 inches wide by 60 inches long and made out of 100% cotton. Yes! Finally something for all the hotties. Don’t forget to flip people. 2 for 8 makes it great. If you know […]

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Really cool x-ray grocery shopping bag

Now you can show everyone what you are carrying while you are shopping at the store. Made out of woven fiber and about 15″x4.5″ deep you can carry almost anything. Even fire arms. Get your own cool designer shopping bag here, save the environment and threaten shoppers

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