Archive for the 'Accessories' Category

Mmm Bubble Gum flavored cocktail weenies are scary

Yum Bubblegum flavored cocktail weenies scare the crap out of me. I’m not sure if it’s because they are telling me right on the package that kids love them or that they actually call them Wienies. This scares me, why do they spell it that way? And how do they know kids love them spelled […]

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New York City Sewer Floor Rug is the definition of Urban Design

Is it just me, or is this awesome? The N.Y.C. Sewer Rug is possibly the coolest floor rug I have ever seen. Not only do you get to wake up in the middle of the night and wonder if the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be sneaking into your house, you’ll also have a great […]

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Super Bright LED Flashlight Keychain reviews from Deal Extreme

Some of my favorite gadgets include keychains with laser pointers and flashlights. Mainly because I like annoying people by shinning them in their eyes and then easily hiding it in my pocket. Here are some of the best LED flashlight keychains available from Deal Extreme: 2-in-1 LED + Pointer Flashlight is probably the most compact […]

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Organize all your cords with Cordotz

I’ve always been a pretty uber fan of organizing my things and being a total neat freak. I do afterall still have my original nintendo games in coloured plastic cases – alphabetized. So when these new Cordotz came out I basically threw my hands to high heaven and said thank you. Thank you. Oh heaven […]

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