Archive for the 'Accessories' Category

The perfect office accessory – The Grass Patch FAIL

The Office Grass Patch. Beauty. I dunno about you, but one of my favorite things to do at the office, besides working, is take my socks off. It’s quite liberating. Especially when the dogs are barking. And you know what else I like? Running on grass with bare feet. But I’ve always secretly wished that […]

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Samsung Captivate Android Phone vs The iPhone

There she be. The Samsung Captivate Android Phone. People are freaking out about it. And myself, being a mac fan and loving iPhone, decided to look into what all this hoopla is about. The following is One More Gadget’s comparison between The Samsung Captivate Android Phone VS The iPhone 4 and some answers to questions […]

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Hide things in the back with the iMac BackPack™

A company by the name of TwelveSouth has come up with some pretty sweet additions for your mac products. And they actually make them even cooler. Yah I know eh? Like that’s even possible. One of my favorite ideas is the BackPack. It’s an adjustable shelf that attaches to the back of the iMac. Here […]

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Creative Apple MacBook Stickers

Many artists have created clever stickers for Apple products that incorporate the apple logo. This Snow White sticker is one of my favorites (seen above). I took the liberty of photoshopping a few other’s that I think should be stickers for Apple computers, so if anyone out there wants to make them for me and […]

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