Archive for the 'Accessories' Category

Marilyn Monroe, did you ever think you’d come to this?

Here’s a novelty picture holder of Marilyn Monroe doing her famous pose. It’s so iconic you don’t even need the head attached to the body. I felt bad so I stuck her photo in there. Now there’s no mistaking it. By the looks of it though, some details seem to be larger than others. If […]

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The Paper Watch from SuckUK was made for chronic doodlers. Like us

Here’s a pretty nifty watch from SuckUK made almost entirely out of paper. It’s an open invitation to graffiti on your belongings–so we put some artistes to the test to see what they’d come up with. This watch was definitely made for the chronic doodler, and based on these babies, everyone else. Check em out! […]

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CableDrop Cable Clips for designy neat freaks

CableDrop Cable Clips are another pretty cool way to stay organized. And if you are a designy neat freak like myself these are perfect for all your mac cables, pens, cords and even memos. So that’s why I love ’em. They are little gadgets for those extra things that just float around and never seem […]

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Guest Post: The Top 10 Door Crasher Gifts for Christmas 2010

10. Sony Vaio If you have older children, or if you just need one yourself, there is a high likelihood that you’ll need to be browsing for laptops or netbooks this festive season.  The Sony Vaio is set to be one of the best sellers in the laptop world due to its fantastic specs and […]

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