Archive for the 'Accessories' Category

Climb to the top of office accessory coolness with Memo Mountain

Memo Mountain is one of my new favorite office accessories. It’s a cork board that’s perfectly cut into the shape of a cute little mountain range. It can be mounted on your wall for you to stick all your pictures and notes on and magically leaves no sticky residue behind. But here’s the kicker: Yup. […]

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Enhance your phone conversations with this wacky sound machine

This sound machine produces high-quality SFX most commonly found in popular cartoons. But personally, I enjoy using it to enhance my phone conversations during work conference calls. There’s no feeling quite like the feeling when you tell everyone you’re about to walk down some stairs and then press the  ‘crash, boom, boink and bang’ button […]

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Stick it to your iPhone, it’s the iPlunge Kickstand

Most reviews are telling people to flush the iPhone 4 down the toilet. And just in case you did. You may need a life-sized plunger to bring it back. But if you rather,  just to use this gadget. It’s the iPlunge. A cute little plunger that you can stick to the back of your iphone […]

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Mozilla Labs Seabird Cellphone Concept looks pretty radtastic

This Mozilla Labs cellphone is just a concept, but it has some pretty cool features that we like. One of the coolest features that stands out is the ability to project images on surfaces, and even display a full-sized keyboard. It also has a built in projector for producing high quality video on your wall. […]

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