Butter up those lips with Pop Secret Popcorn Flavored Lip Balm

Pop Secret Balm

It doesn’t take much to make me happy, Popcorn flavored kisses is where it’s at. I can’t help but imagine how this world would be a better place if everyone used this lip balm and how many relationships would survive if this was used in place of lipstick. Ladies, a little piece of advice: Three things specific areas of your body should taste like: Fuzzy peaches. Vanilla. Popcorn. I’ll let you figure out what goes where.

I suppose it’s also a little nostalgic for me, reminding me of my friday nights on the couch as a child watching the Muppet Show and eating popcorn. Is it just me or were the best kernels always at the bottom? All salty and buttery. Yum. Licking my lips already.

Get your own Pop Secret Lip Balm here

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2 Responses to “Butter up those lips with Pop Secret Popcorn Flavored Lip Balm”

  1. 1 Dann Maenchala Mar 4th, 2011 at 6:24 AM

    well I wanna get this stuff but I can’t find it anywhere in stores and I cant get it sent here where I live is not in he U.s its apparently a U.S territory, I live in St. Lucia….Thanks for taking your time and reading this complaint…….

  2. 2 onemoregadget Mar 6th, 2011 at 9:56 PM

    Well Dann. We searched high and low for you. Unfortunately not much can be sent to St. Lucia from our connections. On the bright side, you do live in one of the most beautiful places we’ve ever seen. If it’s any consolation we did find it for sale on ebay for you http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Pop-Secret-Buttered-Popcorn-Lip-Balm-/370433534014 and they will ship to St Lucia for a price. Hope that helps!

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