Brand the cow, steak form with this awesome BBQ branding iron

BBQ Branding Iron

Oh Dan Jones, you have no idea what kind of steak you will be eating tonight.

An epic one.

Now I’m not one to just throw up any ole gadget for the One More Gadget readers. Each gadget needs to be awesome in that special sort of way. In that sort of “hello, I can see you are hungry and need to put your name on something” sort of way.

And here it is.

Cow branding. Steak form.

The Steak of One More Gadget

Et Voila! With this handy awesome BBQ Branding Iron I was able to cook it, stamp it, and serve it up to the masses. Stampman Stylez. And yes, it added to the flavor. 4 out of 5 guests agreed that this branding iron is now an essential part of steak dinners.* Delicious.

Ladies and gentlemen, and yes even you Dan, let’s eat some steak.

Grab your own branding iron right here

*The 5th person was a vegetarian and wasn’t even invited in the first place but I won’t say who it was. Martha.
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1 Response to “Brand the cow, steak form with this awesome BBQ branding iron”

  1. 1 Water damage Vancouver Dec 13th, 2012 at 2:10 PM

    I actually love this gadget! I must get one for my dad!! he would love it!

    Water damage Vancouver

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