Bigfoot statues for your garden are pretty sweet

Bigfoot Yeti Garden Statue

This Bigfoot statue is made out of cast resin and puts those little garden gnomes to shame. I’m sure with garden statues like this, giant foot stepping stones for pathways aren’t far behind – which would be another good garden invention.

I’ve named this one Harry but I’m pretty sure his name is Francis. He’s not usually that mean looking, so don’t be alarmed. He was just locked in a room with Ellen and a Lady Gaga CD for 2 hours before this photo was taken.

I’m in the process of putting up a sign on my gate that says “Beware of Yeti.” I’m not sure if anyone will believe it. But if it stops Dale from electronics from showing up unexpectedly, it’ll be worth it.

Get your own bigfoot yeti garden statue here

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