Bed loungers upgrade your bed to first class

This product reminds me of sitting way up in first class on a plane. Not that I’d actually know first hand what that looks like, but I’ve seen pictures.

There’s something about this product that gives it a teency edge on a body pillow. Probably due to the fact it has arm rests. And yes, it’s probably also because it has a head rest.

And lumbar support.

And a leg rest.

And a seat belt.

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1 Response to “Bed loungers upgrade your bed to first class”

  1. 1 anastasia Mar 17th, 2010 at 1:27 PM

    NEVER IN FIRST CLASS HAHAHA I EXPERIENCED BUSINESS CLASS ONCE COS THERE WAS NO SPACE IN ECONOMY (long story) HAHAHA… its fucking weird up there. you get your own personal white tablecloth. and some chicken with lots of lard .

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