Because crazy people takes baths too, it’s ‘Crazy Cat Lady’ Cat Food Scented Soap

Cat Food Scented Soap

If you are a crazy cat lady or just crazy for cats then here’s something for you. Odds are you already smell like this but you are dirty. So very dirty. So keep smelling like this and be clean for a change, mmkay?

This is cat food scented soap. It’s genius. You smell like cat so you wash and now you are clean and now you smell like cat food. Awesome sauce.

Most cats hate me, I’m scared of them. Just a couple weeks ago I was attacked for saying hello and…possibly my pant leg was wiggling beyond the acceptable cat tolerance level. I suppose I deserved it. And really who needs hair on both legs anyway? Leg hair, so overrated.

Yup, this cat soap is plain brilliant. It’s like a cat spa for your hands. And it’s a hand spa for your cats. They’re gonna love it.

Cat at a spa

Pamper yourself with this Cat Food Scented Soap right here

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