Annoy your co-workers with this wicked bubblewrap popping keychain

Perfectly named “Poptastic”, this wicked little keychain gives you hours of fun and also provides a great way to relieve stress. There are 7 buttons each with their own popping sound, and the little rubber ends actually ALMOST feel like you are popping bubblewrap.

I have to say its very, very, very satisfying. For me anyways. But buyer beware, you may want to think of booking yourself a 2 hour meeting in the main boardroom until you get this out of your system.

Get your own bubblewrap keychain

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1 Response to “Annoy your co-workers with this wicked bubblewrap popping keychain”

  1. 1 Princess Nov 10th, 2008 at 2:40 AM

    I have to have this!!!!

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