Acupuncture for the eyes with iComfort Eye Massager

Eye Massager

When’s the last time you said “I’d rather be poked in the eye”? Well, eat your words. Here’s the new iComfort Eye Massager. It actually massages the acupuncture points in the eye area. Tempting? Yup, just like these glasses, trying before you buy is always a good idea.

It has temperature control, vibration control, and pressure controls all while listening to your built-in MP3 player which makes this a very relaxing experience. If you are brave enough to try it first, that is.

More information on the iComfort Eye Massager here

Thanks to Melissa whom once massaged an entire horse just by looking at it.
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1 Response to “Acupuncture for the eyes with iComfort Eye Massager”

  1. 1 Oct 22nd, 2013 at 10:45 PM

    Dazed, Gillian had the impression she was hunting at a
    total stranger.

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