16% of iPhone 5’s test positive for E.coli Bacteria and Clorox is gonna save you

Clorox Electronic Screen Cleaners

Okay, the headline scares, but it’s true. You may not realize it but if you use your handheld device or cellphone every day, odds are it’s filthy, gross and a cesspool of bacteria. If you are anything like me you are probably going to clean your phone after knowing this fact:

90% of phones harbor bacteria and 16% of phones test positive for e.coli bacteria! SICK!

I’ll admit I am not surprised by that. They get pretty warm when you use them….and I am also willing to admit that I am super guilty of doing two things at once. Like one, having a phone conversation and two, being in the bathroom while having a phone conversation. Hey cut me a break! Us bloggers are busy these days.

But thankfully here is where Clorox comes in to save the day.

These new cleaning products from Clorox are made to deliver the Clorox ‘Higher Standard of Clean’ and are safe for all electronic displays and touch screens. The wipes are a gentle microfiber cloth to buff your screens and are per-moistened with the proper cleaner to use on your device.

Look for these handy products in stores at your nearest Loblaws, Best Buy, Future Shop and Wal-Mart and give them a go. And hey, don’t forget to wash your hands.

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1 Response to “16% of iPhone 5’s test positive for E.coli Bacteria and Clorox is gonna save you”

  1. 1 Lola Lelo Oct 2nd, 2012 at 8:13 AM

    That’s crazy!!! i will put my iphone 5 in the garbage ASAP !! lol

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