The Ultimate Shredder from #FellowesInc is silent like a ninja

This post brought to you by Fellowes. All opinions are 100% mine.

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Introducing the greatest and most innovative Fellowes 79Ci Paper Shredder. While other Shredders move at a turtles pace, the 100% Jam-proof technology of the Fellowes 79Ci shreds faster than a ninja dipped in green ooze.

Personally, I like to use the shredder as often as I can. You can never be too safe these days with all the information left behind on the papers you toss out. The Fellowes 79Ci is literally as good as it gets. My favorite feature is definitely the quiet motor. I also quite enjoy shredding every piece of paper I can with this shredder. Envelopes, letterheads, sticky notes, subpoenas, you name it.

Here are some more amazing features:

• 100% Jam Proof so you’ll never be in a jam
• Perfect feed detection system so it’s easy to load
• Paper capacity indicator lets you know how it’s feeling
• Perfectly designed for home, office or your business setting with a sleek sexy design – it’ll be the only thing you guys talk about at the office parties
• Cross-cut technology makes it virtually impossible to reassemble giving you maximum security – there’s no going back
• SilentShred™ technology – so quiet you can shred next to sleeping babies (not recommended)
• SafeSense® technology – Sensors detect fingers and other extremities and automatically disable the shredder (phewf!)

What a huge array of features. I love this thing. It’s quiet, fast and easy to use, how can you go wrong? Why can’t all shredders be like this?

Right now you can pick up this awesome Shredder at Staples for around $239.99

What a deal. With all those great features it’s really hard to pick out the most valuable advancement with this thing, I do enjoy the cross-cut feature, but being jam proof is awesome as well, what’s your favorite feature?

Learn more about the Fellowes 79Ci right here.

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