The perfect centerpiece for a block party, XYZ Alphabet Blocks

XYZ Alphabet Blocks

These blocks are the anti-abc’s. Forget the apple, forget the banana, just throw your old ABC’s out the window and get with times! These XYZ blocks are a real conversation piece and excellent for transforming a square party into something with a bit more dimension. A is for Afro. Now that’s more like it.

The whole set is completely filled with fun retro illustrations of Numbers, Letters, Moods and awesomely Illustrated Words. And to top it off, it all fits in this perfect little table tray so you can neatly put them on display. And they look a heck of a lot better than my left over hungryman dinner that’s been sitting in this table tray for weeks.

Somebody should really do something about that.

Anyway. XYZ blocks are definitely starting a whole new cubist movement. Even Dale from electronics is talking about how his favorite block is the “U” for Underpants.

XYZ Alphabet Blocks Collection

I asked him if it’s because he always wears his tighty whiteys – he told me he wasn’t wearing any. Thanks Dale from electronics, you’re a real chip off the ‘ole block.

█♥█ Get them in Canada from Shits N’ Giggles right here!

Or on Amazon right here.

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