Enhance your phone conversations with this wacky sound machine

Cartoon Sound Machine

This sound machine produces high-quality SFX most commonly found in popular cartoons. But personally, I enjoy using it to enhance my phone conversations during work conference calls.

There’s no feeling quite like the feeling when you tell everyone you’re about to walk down some stairs and then press the  ‘crash, boom, boink and bang’ button as you stumble your way to the bottom.

And if they don’t express concern at first, they certainly will once they hear the birds circle around your head.

Get’s them every time. Suckers.

Cartoon Sound FX Machine Detail

This super silly gadget comes with 16 uber famous cartoon sound effects and produces a really high-quality sound. And may I recommend saving it for those special occasions? Like telemarketers for example. *Pistol*

Hit the jump to listen to all the cool sounds

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