For first-timers and old-timers, the Just 5 Cellphone is a breeze

just5 cell phones for seniors

Introducing the latest phones from Just5, a cell phone company unlike any other on the market today. Just5 creates cellphones catered to first-timers and old-timers. Simply put, they are mobile phones that are really, really, easy to use.

They come in just 5 cool colours, (can you guess our favorite?) And to top it off, we’ve determined they also have 5 main selling features that make this product stand out from the rest. {Buy It}

1. Big Buttons.

Even if your fingers are too fat to hold a stylus, or your eyesight is so poor you have One More Gadget magnified at 200% – you will absolutely have no problems dialing a number on this phone.

2. Big Numbers.

The screen is bright, very bright, and it’s also very big. That means it has big numbers. Really big numbers. Hey, did we mention the numbers are huge? And the numbers on the buttons light up too!

3. Flashlight.

Okay, it may sound like it’s just a flashlight. But what this really means is the battery is great. Really great. So great that they show off by adding a really bright and useful tool like a flashlight. Not only is it useful, it also makes this item a safety gadget. Safe if you are young, and safe if you are old. The last time I checked, being in your twilight years didn’t mean you could see in the dark.

Just5 orange mobile phone for seniors

4. Instant Emergency SOS.

One of the best selling features of this phone is the SOS button. The button is inset to greatly diminish the chance of accidentally pressing it. But when pressing it, the SOS feature automatically begins to dial 5 pre-programmed emergency contact numbers until it gets through. It also sends a text message requesting them to “pick up the phone because {you are} having an emergency”. Straight out of the box however, it’s pre-programmed with 9-1-1, and while dialing your emergency number it sounds an alarm so someone locally can come to your aid as well.

You know what else they thought of? If you drop the phone after pressing the emergency button, it turns to speaker phone. So you can still communicate with the other person on the line without having to hold it to your ear.


5. Loud Volume.

The speaker on this phone is a beast. It’s loud enough to play the FM radio, which is included, and there’s a headphone jack so you can listen to the radio while you exercise or go for a walk.

They thought of everything. And it’s about as easy as it gets.

Now all we have to do is figure out how to explain to them what a sim card is.

Learn more about their simple phone plans and buy a Just5 phone right here

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2 Responses to “For first-timers and old-timers, the Just 5 Cellphone is a breeze”

  1. 1 lika meskhi Nov 15th, 2016 at 10:26 PM

    where can i buy, the parts of the phone. i’ve broken my phone’s screen. it is the white last one that is shown on your picture.

  2. 2 gerald johnson Feb 15th, 2019 at 11:44 AM

    where can I buy just 5 phones in USA

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