WANDerful New Delights

Finally, fiction and fantasy meets the 21st century. Since the first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, J.K. Rowling’s seven-book series and eventual box office hit has been the hype of every adolescent boy and smitten girl and it’s true, every fanatical adult along the way. And ever since the Fairy Godmother dazzled us with the magical transformation of Cinderella into the beautiful princess attending a ball, we’ve all wanted to own our very own wand – now you can. From Cinderella to Harry Potter, having a wand to perform your daily duties is ever so enticing.

The Magic Wand Programmable T.V. Remote

Magic Wand Programmable TV Remote

You may not be able to turn your daunting date into a handsome prince or a wart-infested toad, but you can turn the relentless game on T.V. into a blissful love story with the flick of your wrist. You can program your wand to learn 13 commands from your television with specific and very wizard-like magical motions. If you want to watch HBO, you can simply program your magic stick to change the TV promptly as you do the fire dragon from your chair. ESPN – not a problem, just do the wave and your magic stick will follow.

Who wants to pilfer through the tiny, half-chewed buttons on their remote to get to their favorite series of Harry Potter? Abracadabra…kazam!!!! There it is! It’s simple really; you just point the wand to the remote and begin programming your channels and commands, one by one, which also gives you adequate time to practice your magical moves.

Oh don’t worry, all will be impressed even when your Accio spell doesn’t work to attract the ladies but does have a profound effect on changing the channel while you’re galloping around like a horse. And if that doesn’t work, you can use the banishing charm to send away your critical audience and ruthless date so you can conjure up the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie with your dancer pose.

Get your Magic Wand TV Remote Here

Kandela – Wand Activated LED Candle

Wand Activated LED Candle

With the combination of T.V. Wand and Kandela, you’ll be the new-age Hello Potter. This candle can turn any room from bleak to bedazzling with the flick of a wand. There’s no programming and you can be across the room to ignite the flames (if they aren’t already). Kandela also comes with a one-hour timer so if you fall asleep, charmed by the ambiance of your magical night, then it will shut itself off. But if you happen to wake after your steamy night of wizard romance; you can saunter over, seductively blowing out your magical candle. There’s no need to charm the wand, you’ve already mastered its ivory handle, but if you need a little help charming the lady, a little charm spell never hurt anyone.

Get your Kandela LED Candle Wand Here

Maria Rainier is a freelance writer and blog junkie. She is currently a resident blogger at First in Education where she’s been researching both the highest paying jobs and the lowest paying jobs on the market. In her spare time, she enjoys square-foot gardening, swimming, and avoiding her laptop.

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