How useful could your cooking apron possibly be? Sounds like a challenge

Apron Cooking Guide

This super fancy shmancy gadget combines form and function and is perfect for the beginner cook or a baking enthusiast. It’s an apron that is absolutely full of useful information in an easy-to-use format. Just flip up your apron and instantly find what you need!

It’s basically a cheat sheet for the kitchen and includes things like:

• Numeric conversions
• Cooking times for vegetables
• Roasting times for chicken and meats
• Freezing instructions
• Defrosting times
• Cooking glossary and more!

I wish I could say that using this apron makes you a better cook. But I’m still digesting last nights dinner. At least I was able to finish those apology cards for my guests while I was on the toilet. If you know what I’m saying.

And how could you not? Really.

Get this handy apron right here

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