The Greatest List of the Most Creative Drink Coasters of All-Time

1. Magnetic Rewritable Drink Coasters

Rewriteable Magnetic Drink Coasters

Our friends over at Vat19 have some pretty nifty coasters for the Martha Stewarts out there. These coasters have felt bottoms, are completely magnetic and include a rewritable area to put your name on it. And if you are like me, they also have enough space for death threats.

Get your Rewritable Magnetic Coasters here

2. Bar Games Drink Coasters

Bar Games Drink Coasters

We just love these drink coasters from SuckUK. The world was needing more reasons to stay later at bars and these awesome coasters did the trick!

  • 30 drink coasters to entertain while you get sloshed
  • Drinking games, puzzles, quizzes, and tricks for the ladies
  • Great way to break the ice at parties

We reviewed these bad boys! Check out the post right here.

3. Toxic Spill Drink Coasters

Toxic Spill Drink Coasters

Check out our hilarious review of these Toxic Spill Coasters here.

Get your own Toxic Spill Drink Coasters here

4. Circuitboard Coasters

Circuitboard Coasters

Talk about finding uses for other things. These circuit board coasters are recycled circuit boards from various ancient electronics. From the looks of that top one there it appears that circuit board used to power an iPad. Amazing. Drink coasters. There’s an app for that.

Get some radtastic circuitboard coasters here

5. Stargate Drink Coaster

Stargate Drink Coasters

No wormholes in space here, but you can send your table talk to another dimension with these coasters. Each one of these Stargate Coasters not only looks cool but feels pretty cool. Squishy. Me likely.

Get your Stargate Drink Coasters here

6. Space Invaders Coasters

Space invaders Drink Coasters

Is there anything these little guys haven’t invaded yet? Pretty soon we’ll see them on toilet paper. These coasters are pretty cool though. They are made up of little tiny wooden pieces, each representing a pixel. Not too shabby. Unfortunately they don’t cost 8 bits. (That’s 2 dollars kids).

Get your Space Invader Coasters here

7. Nightmare Before Christmas

Nightmare before Christmas Coasters

What better coaster is there to slide under your Jack Daniels than Jack from the Nightmare Before Christmas? None, it was a rhetorical question.

Spare a spilling nightmare and get these coasters here

8.Splat Stan Coaster

splat stan drink coaster

Squishy. This guy is a hero! And not because he’s orange. Check out our complete review of Splat Stan right here.

Get splat stan here from SuckUk

9. Summer Flippers Coasters

Summer Flip Flop Coasters

Get some flip flops for your drink drops. These nifty little flipper coasters add that beachy feel to any backyard BBQ. And they come in a bunch of colours to boot!

Get your Summer Flippers Coasters here

10. Festive Holiday Coasters

Christmas Drink Coasters

Okay, so the holidays aren’t always awesome, sometimes you just want to tell people how you really feel but not be all ‘humbug’ about it. Might I recommend these Festive Holiday Coasters? They definitely put the drinks and the people holding them in their place.

Get your Festive Holiday Coasters here

11. Mini Record Drink Coasters

45 RPM Drink Coasters

Brim full of asha on a 45 anyone? These coasters are definitely for the hard drinks and the music lover. The room isn’t the only thing that will be spinning when you use these coasters. And they also come in a bunch of awesome colours.

Get your own 45 RPM Mini Record Coasters

12. Sandwich Drink Coasters

sandwich drink coasters

These are the only coasters I know about that make you look like a pig while your actually keeping your place clean. It’s kind of ingenius when you think about it. So think about it.

Mmm sandwiches.

Get your own Sandwich Drink Coasters here

13. Milky Cow Coasters

Milky Cow Silicone Coasters

Here’s another coaster that doesn’t make any sense. They are called milky cow coasters and come with a bear skin rug and a flattened cow. They are made from 100% sillicone rubber and if you understand why these exist, let me know.

Get your Milky Cow Silicone Drink Coasters here

14. Palette-It Coasters


Here are some great coasters to wet your pallet with. These wooden palette coasters hold your drinks and anything else you want to stack on them. Great for heavy drinkers. If you know what I’m saying.

Get your Palette-It Coasters from JunkSkull here

*Thanks to Danny for doing the heavy lifting on this one

15. Toast It Coasters

Moma Toast It Coasters

These coasters from the Museum of Modern Art come packaged like a loaf of multigrain bread. Each coaster is made of cut cork and just a quick wipe will keep it clean. Don’t worry, your toast will never go soggy.

Toasty! Get your own Toast It Coasters from MOMA here

Well there you have it! The Greatest List of the Most Creative Drink Coasters of All-Time! If you have a drink coaster to add to the list, write us via our contact page!

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2 Responses to “The Greatest List of the Most Creative Drink Coasters of All-Time”

  1. 1 Danny Policarpo Mar 14th, 2011 at 5:28 AM

    You guys totally forgot to include the awesome Palette-It – Coaster –

  2. 2 Moraru Feb 8th, 2012 at 8:08 AM

    I like Your Article about Wooden Coaster Set Wood Arts Universe Blog Perfect just what I was lokoing for! .

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