Morons try to sell an anti-2010 Vancouver Olympic t-shirt

vancouver 2010 anti olympic t-shirt

Well it happened. Someone had the gusto to go ahead and do it. Dissed the olympics on a shirt to make a buck – and insulting an entire city in the process. Good job boys.

I only have one rebuttal to that t-shirt though.

Nobody cares? I care you stupid cow.

Olympics aside, Vancouver is awesome.

Click here to get the shirt or see more photos of the morons

*If you get the shirt, I recommend putting “vancouver” in place of nobody, or we’ll even accept “I care you stupid cow”
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4 Responses to “Morons try to sell an anti-2010 Vancouver Olympic t-shirt”

  1. 1 drewmcd621 Feb 8th, 2010 at 7:19 AM

    Aren’t the Olympic rings and Vancouver Olympics symbol trademarked?

  2. 2 Michelle McKendry Feb 8th, 2010 at 1:13 PM

    Hell…I’d buy it!!!!

  3. 3 Greg Feb 11th, 2010 at 9:11 AM

    G, don’t keep your feelings bottled up. How do you really feel about anti-Olympic sentiment?

  4. 4 Matti Feb 28th, 2010 at 10:28 PM

    I would have bought it AND warn it.. thank god they are over now.

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