It’s Big. Beautiful. Laid back. Sophistimacated. It’s the Infinitely Spilling Aquarium.

What. You were expecting something else?

The Spillarium is a pretty sweet aquarium that uses mind blowing science to work. In fact, if I even tried to explain it to you right now it would probably boggle your mind and put you in a mental institution. So let’s just say it uses a little thing I like to call “Physics” in order to keep the water cycling, giving it the appearance that it is constantly spilling water from the side. And magically keeping the fish inside the tank to boot. Genius.

Anyways. I’ve looked at this awhile trying to figure out if the design is hideous or beautiful. Instead of answering that I’ve decided to eat a hot dog.

Get your Spilling Aquarium aka Spillarium here

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1 Response to “It’s Big. Beautiful. Laid back. Sophistimacated. It’s the Infinitely Spilling Aquarium.”

  1. 1 Tyree Strasburger Jan 27th, 2011 at 11:12 PM

    Great article! vnoeihbgt

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