Another great invention, the Exhaust Air Jack


This invention is pretty sweet. It basically uses the air from your exhaust to inflate a big bubble that is strong enough to hold up your car. Once it’s to the right height, just turn off your engine and change your tire. The bubble will stay inflated for hours (if you are really bad at changing a tire). Or you can just release the valve, flatten it out and be on your way.

And did I mention it comes in orange? Cause it does. And that’s awesome.

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47 Responses to “Another great invention, the Exhaust Air Jack”

  1. 1 connor May 26th, 2011 at 9:08 PM

    Am I the only one here thinking that it’s nit a good idea to put pressure not only on the orange bag but to also back up the exhaust? It’s meant to flow out freely, not to have 1000 psi inside

  2. 2 MarkNSalem Aug 2nd, 2011 at 7:37 AM

    Okay, now you have all frightened me out of wanting one of these. I will just use regular pillows. I will buy a small car, like a vw beetle, to follow me around, and then if I break down, I will use the bug to drive into the pillows and wedge more and more of them under the car with the flat tire. Of course if a seam lets go on a regular pillow there could be feathers flying everywhere. Although, feathers were kind of made for flying. Except on an ostrich. Can you get pillows made of ostrich feathers? I wonder if they would be comfortable in pillows. Otherwise, if they were uncomfortable, I would not want to buy enough pillows to crash wedge under a car enough to lift it off the ground to an acceptable height for changing a tire.

    Actually, that all sounds like too much work, I think I will get one of these orange muffler balloons and throw caution to the wind!!

    Fear be damned.

    ..along with my imagination.

  3. 3 @chris Feb 26th, 2012 at 5:13 PM

    hey guys,
    Do anyone knows the materials, from which is made of?

  4. 4 david Apr 21st, 2014 at 5:23 AM

    This is a nice idea, if you don’t have a dual exhaust

  5. 5 Tahu Apr 11th, 2016 at 4:42 PM

    interesting power pressure..

  6. 6 Troy Sep 5th, 2016 at 1:06 PM

    Or… you could use that ‘jack thing’ that came with your car. It’s in your trunk (or boot if you are English)

  7. 7 OneMoreGadget Jan 24th, 2020 at 11:51 PM

    That would be too easy.

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