The Most Excellent List of Bandages and Band-aids

People seem to like our lists, so here at OneMoreGadget we’ve compiled a list of our most excellent, favorite, tacky bandages and band-aids.

With all these wicked-tacky bandages to choose from you’ll be looking forward to the next time you hurt yourself.

1. Pirate Bandages

Pirate Bandages Band-Aids

Nothing says ‘injury’ like a pirate bandage. It might take a few more to cover up that ole peg leg of yours, but trust me, with the coolness factor it gives you, it will be well worth it.

Get your own pirate bandages for your peg leg here

2. Bacon & Egg Breakfast Bandages


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and this probably makes this bandage the most important bandage of the list! (because it’s so tasty)

Get your Bacon & Egg Breakfast Bandages Here

3. Comic Strip Bandages

Comic Strip Bandages Band-aids

Comic strip bandages let everyone know how much of a klutz you really are. But not me, that would be preposterous.

Get your comic strip bandages here

4. A Christmas Story Bandages

A Christmas Story Bandages Band-aids

Perfect bandages for all the paper cuts you’ll be getting from wrapping all of my presents. Thanks in advance.

Get your own Christmas Story bandages here

5. Ouch! Kiss it better bandages

Ouch! Kiss it better band-aids bandages

These bandages actually work. I don’t really get cuts on my butt, but it seems that when I put them there anyways, people kiss my ass.

Get your own kiss kiss band-aids here

6. Ouch! Skull and Cross Bones Bandages

Skull and Crossbones Bandages

These Skull and Bones bandages are as cool as they get. I can’t quite remember but somehow these look a lot like the poison symbol. So maybe this is the perfect band-aid to keep people away from you if you have flesh-eating disease.

But no seriously. If you have flesh-eating disease a band-aid will not fix the problem.

Get your own pirate bandages here

7. Tattoo Bandages

Tattoo Bandages Band-aids

I think I like these the best. I’m going to see if I can get some with tattoos of my face on them. Then I can give them to all my girlfriends. Huzzah!

Get your own Tattoo bandages here

8. Skateboard deck teenage boy bandages

Teen-Ages Boys Bandaids Bandages

These teenage bandages are just plain cool. Why would anyone ever use regular band-aids when you can get these? If I were a teenager I’d probably be setting a trend and start wearing these bad boys without even having an cut or scrape to put them on. Oh wait, nevermind. LL Cool J flashbacks. Moving on…

Get your own skateboard deck bandages here

9. Beef T-Bone Steak Bandage

Beef T-Bone Bandages Band-aids

The old-fashioned remedy for a black eye was to put a big cold piece of T-Bone steak on it. It’s the man’s way. I used to put one on each eye, and alternate by taking a bite of each one. Raw. So needless to say these bandages bring back great memories. Being de-wormed is actually a pleasurable experience.

Get your own Beefy Bandages here

10. Cupcake Bandages

Cupcake Bandages Band-aids

Cuts and scrapes are so yucky! So pretty them up with sunshine and cupcakes! Perfect for bakers, girly girls, or girls that are bakers. And Dale from electronics.

Get your own Cupcake bandages here

11. Flower Power Bandages

Flower Power Bandages Band-aids

There’s nothing more powerful than these environmentally friendly flower power band-aids. Well, maybe the body odor of the hippies wearing them, but hey. You can’t win ’em all.

Get your own Flower Power Bandages here

12. Sushi Bandages

Sushi Band-aids Bandages

This is taking sushi addictions to a whole new level. These bandages are as fresh as they get. Perfect for chopstick accidents. And stabbings.

Get your own sushi bandages here

13. Cry Baby Bandages

Ouch! Cry Baby Bandages Band-aids

I like these because they are wussy.

Get your own Cry Baby Bandages here

14. Bacon Bandages

Bacon Bandages Band-aids

Bacon is a beautiful thing. You may have noticed in our Greatest List of Everything Bacon, right? Right? RIGHT? Nevermind.

Get your own bacon bandages here

15. Cowboy Bandages

Cowboy Adhesive Bandages Band-aids

Normally a cowboy wouldn’t need a band-aid, simply because their skin is usually really leathery and tough. However, if you find yourself sitting on a cactus, these are perfect.

Get your own Cowboy horsey bandages here

16. Eyeball Bandages

Eyeball Bandages Band-aids

If you ever burn yourself, or cut yourself on your forehead, might I recommend applying a third eye? People would most likely be starring anyways – might as well give them something to look at.

Get your own eyeball bandages here

17. Happy Bunny Bandages

Happy Bunny Bandages Band-aids

There’s nothing more enjoyable than watching people hurt themselves. That’s probably why Americas Funniest Home Videos has been one of the longest running shows of all-time. Honestly, crotch shots from fathers teaching their kids to play baseball never ever gets old. They’re pain makes me happy. These band-aids remind me of their pain.

Get your own happy bunny bandages here

18. Make your own band-aid kit

Make your own bandages band-aids kit

I know what you are thinking. The thought of making your own bandage seems like a tedious and painful experience. Fortunately these band-aids are for children, and dumb kids these days will draw on anything you give ’em! Hand these over to the kids and you have instantly got your very own band-aid factory.

Kits to make your own bandages can be found here

19. Bling Bandages

Bling Bandages Band-aids

I’m pretty sure I saw Flavor Flav wearing something like this, only it was made out of vinyl stripping for a skateboard. Huge. But anyways, with these bandages you can show off your inner thug by putting them everywhere. Everywhere. It’s called schwing bling.

Get your very own bling bandages here

20. Devil Ducky Bandages

Devil Ducky Bandages

I never knew what the heck the Devil Ducky was and where it came from. So I googled it. Apparently it’s a toy that is and or has swept the nation. The regular rubber duckies arch nemesis if you will. I can now sleep at night knowing this. And so can you.

Get your own Devil Ducky Bandages Here

21. Enchanted Unicorn Bandages

Enchanted Unicorn Bandages

There is nothing more enchanted than rainbows and unicorns on band-aids. Unfortunately Dale from electronics found these and they are sold out across the globe.

Get your own Enchanted Unicorn Bandages Here

22. Fairy Bandages

Fairy Bandages

The best way to describe these is mentioned on the box, “Ultra-Cutesy Little Fairy Bandages”. Well they are certainly little. Okay okay. They are ultra-cutesy too. They were right.

Get your own Fairy Bandages here

23. Band-aids for Chicks

Ouch! Bandaids Bandages for Girls

I didn’t know if these were for girls or not, I just decided that only a girl would want this many shoes. But let me tell you. That box is so wrong. So wrong on so many levels. Big girls do cry. A lot. Like a ton. If I was given 5 bucks every time I saw a big girl cry when a pair of shoes didn’t come in her size, look out. Big girls cry alright. Something fierce.

Get your own girly bandages here

24. Black Cat Bandages

Black Cat Bandages Band-aids

This band-aid just totally encapsulates cat owners because instead of getting rid of your cat with it’s cat scratch fever, you just buy cute band-aids like this instead.

Get your own Me-Ouch black cat bandages here

25. Crime Scene Bandages

Crime Scene Bandages Band-aids

Perfect for fooling bacteria and infections.

Get your own Crime scene Bandages here

26. Pac-Man Bandages

Pac Man Bandages Band-aids

These pac-man band-aids are perfect for your scratch-man.

Get your own retro pac-man bandages here

27. Toast Bandages

Toast Bandages Band-aids

Ah yes, Toast has magical healing qualities. The best opportunity to use these bandages are when you have a cut on both sides of your body. Without noticing, you’ve instantly become a sandwich.

Get your own Toast bandages here

28. Sexy Lip Bandages


What can I say? I use these to make the ladies jealous.

Get your own sexy lip bandages here

29. Jesus Bandages

Jesus Adhesive Bandages

What would Jesus Do? Well he’d probably use these bandages that’s what.

Get your own Jesus Bandages here

30. Pirate Bandages

Pirate Bandaids

Argh Mateys! Protect yeself from thar scurvy with these awesome Pirate Bandages!

Get your own Pirate Bandages here

31. Rainbow Monkey Bandages

Rainbow Monkey Bandages

I don’t care how awesome these bandages are, I still don’t like monkeys.

Get your own rainbow monkey bandages here

32. Mario Nintendo Bandages

Mario Nintendo Bandages Bandaids

If you look carefully, each band-aid has it’s own injury. Bullets, kicks and bites.

Get your own Nintendo Mario Bandaged Here

33. Monster Bandages

Monster Bandages

Let me be Frank. Never cry wolf to your mummy or else one day your blood will be sucked from you for real. And that’s the haunted truth.

Get your own Monster Bandages here

34. Ninja Bandages

Ninja Bandages Bandaids

The best way to pull off a ninja band-aid is to do it fast. 100 times. Without anyone seeing it.

Get your own ninja bandages here

35. Pickle Bandages

Pickle Bandages Bandaids

Don’t worry. I won’t make any puns about being in a pickle and using these band-aids. But no seriously, if you’re ever in a pickle – use these band-aids.

Get your own Pickle Bandages Here

36. Scabs Scars and Cuts Bandages

Scabs Bandages Bandaids

These are beauties. I have to admit I had this invention years ago, that’s probably why I am biased and think these are awesome. Which they are. And hmm, is it just me or is Scab probably one of the grossest word in the English language? Moist would be the second.

Get your cool scars bandages here

37. Teenage Girl Skateboard Deck bandages

Teen-Ages Girl Bandaids Bandages

Now they have bandages for all the teenage girls. I’m pretty sure they’ll be applying these while driving and talking on their cellphones. Just an observation.

Get your own Teenage Girl Skateboard design bandages here

38. Duct Tape Bandages

duct tape bandages

Yes. Duct tape DOES work on everything. Latex free too! Glorious.

Get your own Duct Tape Bandages here

39. Boo Boo Bandages

Boo Boo Bandages Bandaids

Another great invention that shows just how dumb kids are. When you cover up the boo boo it’s all better. Foolish children.

40. Kids Glitter Adhesive Band-aids

Glitter Bandages Bandaids

These are more than just bandages, these are statements. It’s the perfect accessory to your Kanye West glasses. You know it.

Get the glittery band-aids here

41. Hello Kitty, Dora, Batman, SpiderMan and Barbie Band-aids

Hello Kitty Superhero Band-aids

Johnson & Johnson has released a schwack load of new Band-aid Brand Band-aids with tonnes of characters like Dora, Batman, Spiderman and Barbie, just to name a few. I’m pretty impressed with the selection and the overall expansion of such a product as the band-aid. I guess when it comes down to it, we all have to wear one sometime or another. We are after all, only human. I’m going out on a limb and speaking for everyone here.

All the rest can be found here

42. Leather Bandages

Black Leather Bandages Band-aids

Some dude invented some leather bandages, just because he could. I bet these smell fantastic. And hey, if you don’t have any cuts, just use them to patch up the holes in your leather sofa.

Black Leather Bandages Can be found here

Well there you have it. Possibly the greatest list of the most excellent Bandages and Band-aids. Ever.

If you have any other bandages or band-aids that are worthy of being added to the list, fire us over a note using our contact page.

And don’t hurt yourself in the process.
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3 Responses to “The Most Excellent List of Bandages and Band-aids”

  1. 1 jeist Dec 3rd, 2009 at 11:48 AM

    comic strip bandages is cool!

  2. 2 Mike Jul 5th, 2012 at 8:34 PM

    I want to buy round bandages the size of a quarter with a bluebonnet or something like that on it. Can you help?

  3. 3 someone Jan 18th, 2022 at 8:48 AM


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