Not as good as Vapoorize but smells like victory, the Pootrap


The Pootrap is a website worth checking out, just for the awesomeness of the instructional video. Without talking about the state of the art harness, and the custom fit for your dog, I’m going to describe the Pootrap to you in real simple terms:

1. It’s a bag you attach to your dogs butt.

2. Your dog poops in it.

I’m not quite sure why its advertised as ‘The Magic Poop Collector’. Maybe it’s magical because  they were able to put 8 harnesses on the dog without him even caring – that’s magic. It almost looks like he’s become the swiss army knife of dogs – with only two functions – pooping and catching it.

Get your own Pootrap here

Thanks to Melissa for the scoop!
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1 Response to “Not as good as Vapoorize but smells like victory, the Pootrap”

  1. 1 John pork Jul 19th, 2023 at 8:55 AM

    I love the poo trap so much. Thank you!

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