Touching the Soft Translucent Purple Silicone Mouse Pad feels good

I am in love with this Purple Silicone Mouse Pad. I suspect these pads go for 20 dollars in the stores, but I was able to find them for under 5 bucks.

They are regular mouse pad size, stick to the table top, slide very smooth with an optical mouse, and more importantly come in translucent purple.

I never thought I’d be buying translucent purple mouse pads, but I can only assume if they sold these in orange I’d probably buy 10.

Check out the video of me touching the soft translucent purple silicone mouse pad.

Soft silicone translucent purple mouse pad

Get your own mouse pad to touch.

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2 Responses to “Touching the Soft Translucent Purple Silicone Mouse Pad feels good”

  1. 1 LOUIS Oct 23rd, 2016 at 4:05 PM

    ¿Si son duraderas?, o ¿se dañan fácilmente?

  1. 1 Trackback on May 7th, 2010 at 12:29 AM

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