Stackable fridge – a nice concept for roommates

The Stackable Fridge concept is a nice idea – especially if you live with roommates. This way you can fill your section of the fridge with whatever you want.

I also can’t help but think it would be useful for a chef, or someone like myself. I’m pretty particular about organization: Top of the fridge for the ice cubes, middle for the veggies…haha, just kidding, no veggies. The popsicles are totally going in the middle and the steak is going everywhere else.

The nice thing about these are they are fully customizable, which means you can get cool colours and patterns, or even graphics like this:

I dunno about you, but I’d reeeeaaaally like to own the section just below that piece. If you know what I’m saying.

For more information and photos on this fridge concept, click here.

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1 Response to “Stackable fridge – a nice concept for roommates”

  1. 1 kevin Jan 23rd, 2010 at 3:01 AM

    COOL! 🙂

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