Super Bright LED Flashlight Keychain reviews from Deal Extreme

Some of my favorite gadgets include keychains with laser pointers and flashlights. Mainly because I like annoying people by shinning them in their eyes and then easily hiding it in my pocket. Here are some of the best LED flashlight keychains available from Deal Extreme:

2-in-1 LED + Pointer Flashlight is probably the most compact and versatile key chain around. It’s slim and can easily blend in with your other keys on your key chain. Both lights can work at the same time or separately and the LED is bright enough for any purpose.

Get your LED and Flashlight combo here

White Flashlight Keychain 22000mcd is a very tiny super bright keychain. It works just by squeezing it, but also has a tiny little button if you prefer to leave it on without squeezing. It’s not as clear looking when it has the battery inside (see video below), but overall is a very compact flashlight.

Get your White Flashlight Keychain 22000mcd here

Ultra-Value Bright LED Keychain Flashlights – Black (2-Pack) is similar to the clear one but a little more sleak looking and also comes in this great value pack.

Get your Ultra-Value Bright LED Keychain Flashlights – Black (2-Pack) here

Super Bright 7-LED Mini Flashlight (4xLR44) is by far the brightest flashlight I have seen. It’s more powerful than any full sized flashlight I have ever owned. The light is very focused so it really brightens up a room. Is also freaked me out when I put it up to my wrist and the light went right through. Yeah, pretty gross.

Get your own portable 7-LED Mini Flashlight (4xLR44) (portable x-ray machine) here

These type of things are useful if you need to find something in your purse (if you are girl) like chapstick for example. Hey, you never know when you’ll need a flashlight so its always great to have one handy. And besides, shooting a light in someones eyes never gets old.

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2 Responses to “Super Bright LED Flashlight Keychain reviews from Deal Extreme”

  1. 1 George Mar 6th, 2010 at 3:35 AM

    I love the design and it’s amazing. I love to see innovative idea and LED are a perfect combination and try to collect some unique and cool products on line both from forum or online shops. Below LED lamp is one of the products that I recently observe.

  2. 2 Steven C. Love Jan 18th, 2016 at 1:13 AM

    how much is the first flashlight and where did you get it please message back

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