Woo. Fancy. A clock that actually tells time with words

Word Clock Handle

Gener8 designers, Hans Muller and Hans Van Dongen designed a pretty sweet clock that lets you do more than just tell the time, it actually lets you ‘read’ the time. Don’t ask my why all people I’ve ever met in my life named Hans were smart and had beards, it just seems to work out that way. Between you and me I’m going to name all my future kids Hans. Scratch that. I’ll name my goldfish Hans and see what happens.

The coolest thing about this clock is you can put it anywhere, AND it doubles as a handle! Like the wicked clock wasn’t enough guys, you had to push your geniusness in our faces with the handle business. Apparently this elongated clock was patented in 1984 so they were even geniuses like 25 years ago. Sorry for the 25 year delay Hans’s, you are probably uber geniuses now, ah how time flies.

More info and pics of the elongated word clock

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1 Response to “Woo. Fancy. A clock that actually tells time with words”

  1. 1 Tom Accuosti Nov 5th, 2022 at 1:15 PM

    I have a tube clock that needs a new clock motor. Where can I get one. Please help

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