7 LED mini flashlight keychain

7 LED Flashlight Keychain

You probably know by now that I love little gadgets, especially ones that actually work and involve LEDs. This handy little keychain flashlight is so bright that you can actually see in the dark. Hm, you were expecting a cool metaphor, weren’t you? Something like brighter than a child’s eyes on Christmas morning, or brighter than my eyes when I saw my first girlfriends gazungas. Yah, that would have probably been better, but what can yah do.

Anyways, because this a gadget that actually works it’s my gadget of the week.

Get your boob flashing equivalent keychain flashlight here

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2 Responses to “7 LED mini flashlight keychain”

  1. 1 winston Oct 20th, 2010 at 12:48 PM

    i love boobs! i’ll take three. thanks OneMoreGadget! *enthusiastic thumbs up*

  2. 2 onemoregadget Oct 20th, 2010 at 10:09 PM

    Unlike most things in nature, boobs are best in even numbers.

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