The Greatest List of The Coolest Ice Cubes around

Some of my favorite things are so simple, like ice cube shapes for example. Here’s a list of some of my favorite Ice Cube Trays and related inventions, not including the previously featured Global Warming Ice Cubes!

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1. Cool Shooters


Cool shooters are a great way to really keep your drinks ice cold and get frost bite at the same time. Similar to the Ice Tumblers, these can be purchased here. Or from BudgetGadgets here.

2. Bone Chillers

Drink from a stein that’s been chilled to the bone with this Skull and Cross bone Ice Cube Tray! There’s nothing more fun than talking like a pirate, unless you have these cool ice cubes in your glass.

Get them here.

3. Ice Princess


Ice Princess is made from 100% pure food grade silicone, packed in recyclable, peggable clear boxes. This unique ice tray creates magic wands fit for a fairy princess, or if your name is dale from electronics.

Get your Ice Princess Ice Cube Trays here

4. FishBone Ice Cube Tray


Make crazy fish bone shapes to float around in your glass. These are great if you are mixing Swamp Drinks for kids birthday parties, have them floating around in the punch bowl if you normally mix really horrible drinks like me.

Get your own fish bone shaped ice cube trays here

5. FOSSILICED Dinosaur Bones


Fossiliced dinosaur bones ice cube trays are pretty sweet. How about getting even more creative? Why don’t you half set some Jello and add some FLAVORED pina colada ice cubes into your Jello? This way you’ll be digging bones in your dessert, and they will taste great!

Get your own Fossil-Iced cubes here

6. AK Frozen Bullets


AK Frozen Bullets are either the most perfect way to commit a crime and leave no evidence, or a wicked way to cool a drink. Not that you’d ever add an ice cube to your beer, but the silver bullet probably couldn’t get any worse if you did.

Get your own silver bullets here

7. Frozen Smiles


Frozen smiles is probably the fastest way to get brain freeze if you actually put the whole thing in your mouth. If you are having a hip hop party, I highly recommend making them out of orange juice so everyone can have a grill.

Get your own frozen smiles here

8. Gin and Titonic Ice Tray


Gin and Titonic, Titanic Ice Cube Trays. It his highly recommended to yell “I’m the King of the world!!” as you slam one back.

Get your Gin & Titonic Ice Cube Trays here

9. Ice Invaders


Ice Invaders Ice Cubes. Live your Atari glory days with these bad boys. They actually have little angry faces to boot and will be mad at you for the entire duration of your beverage consumption.

Get your own Space Ice Invaders here

10. Cool Jewels Ice Cube Tray


Cool Jewels Ice Cube Trays. Now you can have diamonds and rupees everywhere. Fruit Punch Rupees, Ice Diamonds, Kool-Aid Emeralds. You get the picture.

Get your own Cool Jewels Ice Cube Trays here

11. Lego Ice Trays


Lego Ice Cube Trays. So you like these hunh? Well how about learning how to make them all by yourself right here!

Update: New Lego Ice Cube Trays have once again been made available online at the lego shop and these can be found right here.


12. Water Bottle Ice Cubes



The Water Bottle Ice Cube Tray is a great invention. They fit perfectly inside your water bottle to keep your water cool on the go and they are big enough to last quite awhile.

Get your Discount Water Bottle Ice Cube Trays here

13. Shark Fin Ice Cube Tray


The Shark Fin Ice Cube Tray is great for those tropical, Hawaiian, or surfer summer beach parties. I’m not quite sure why they never used a blue drink to show off these little Shark Fins, but they’d probably look the best if the water were blue, don’t you agree?

Get your Shark Fin Ice Cube Trays here

14. Ice Cube Bags


Ice Cube Bags.
They can be found at pretty much any Save-On-Foods, Safeway, or Superstore now. Apparently they have been around for 2 decades! But it’s new to me.
Just fill the bag up with water, put in the freezer, pull them apart and there you have it! A bag full of crushed ice.


You can also get your pre-filled ones with distilled water here.

15. Stone Cold Ice Tray


These stone cold statuesque Moai of Easter Island Ice Cube trays are the newest from Fred & Friends products which will be available everywhere this fall.

Update: They are now available here

Got a cool new ice cube tray that you think should be added to the list? Just visit our contact page and send us a note.

Update: Learn how to make clear ice cubes here

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85 Responses to “The Greatest List of The Coolest Ice Cubes around”

  1. 1 Kathy Feb 15th, 2012 at 2:35 PM

    These are way cool, I love them!

  2. 2 Connie Mar 11th, 2012 at 10:23 AM

    I love the princess wands!

  3. 3 Johana Hermandez Oct 22nd, 2013 at 8:53 PM

    Ich muss sagen, so viel wie ich las, was Sie zu sagen hatte, ich konnte nicht helfen, aber das Interesse verlieren nach einer Weile genossen. Es ist, als wenn Sie hatte einen wunderbaren Griff um das Thema, aber Sie vergessen haben, Ihren Lesern gehören. Vielleicht sollten Sie sich über diese von weit mehr als 1 Winkel denken. Oder vielleicht sollte man nicht verallgemeinern so viel. Es ist besser, wenn Sie über das, was andere können, um zu sagen, anstatt gerade auf dem Weg für eine Reaktion aus dem Bauch, um das Thema zu denken. Denken Sie über eine entsprechende Einstellung Ihrer persönlichen Denkprozess und gibt andere, die diese den Vorteil des Zweifels lesen kann.

  4. 4 b mullin May 20th, 2016 at 1:45 PM

    I am from Atlantic Canada.

    Would like to purchase disposable plastic ice cube bags. What stores are they available in?

    Thanks and greatly appreciated

    Bye for now and looking fwd to receiving a reply

  5. 5 I love Dec 30th, 2016 at 12:45 AM

    i love it.

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