Sexy packaging. Juice boxes that look like their fruit

Juice Boxes

Juice boxes with realistic fruit textures have finally been created in Japan. I’ve been wanting packaging like this for ages.

Resembling the fruit within the packaging, consumers will be drawn to the product by relating the contents directly with the look and feel of the package.

Sounds technical. Looks awesome. All we need now is to apply this packaging idea to meat. I think I’d be more drawn to a steak if its packaging looked like a cow. Oh! And dairy would be great too. There’s nothing I’d appreciate more than pouring my milk in the morning directly from a package that looks like the udder of a cow.

But anyways, back to the fruits, they do look pretty amazing, however, I’m not sure how tasty banana juice is…can’t remember the last time I drank a banana. Oh wait. Now I remember. Oh yeah. That was the time I almost choked and died.

It was pretty good.

More photos of the juice box fruits by Naoto Fuksawa

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1 Response to “Sexy packaging. Juice boxes that look like their fruit”

  1. 1 Apple Juice Recipes Dec 10th, 2009 at 10:11 AM

    Those are some really juicy looking cartoons 🙂

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