Hair raising USB Plasma Ball does some pretty cool tricks

The USB Plasma Ball is a pretty cool desktop gadget. Besides the obvious fact that it glows and looks awesome, you can also do some pretty cool things with it. The whole idea of the “Plasma Ball” brings up some interesting observations:

• You can hold any flourescent light next to it in your hand and it will light up.

• You can ask the ladies if they’d like to touch your ball. Your plasma ball. Works every time.

• If you ever plan on being an inventor or a scientist, it’s a rule, you can’t officially be called one until you have a plasma ball and the hair-do that comes with it. I got my plasma ball from budget gadgets, my haircut, unfortunately, was magic cuts.

• Check out some other neat effects with Plasma Balls and light bulbs here.

Even though this is fun, and seems like a toy, you have to be careful with it. For starters, don’t wrap it in tinfoil or touch it with a paperclip.  You’ll end up putting the lightning bolts on the outside of the glass. Not good. In fact, that part really sucks. And yes, it’s electricity so keep it away from the bathtub. That also sucks. The dying part anyways. The glowing and the lights part is pretty sweet.

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Or Check out BudgetGadgets for this high quality USB Plasma Ball
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1 Response to “Hair raising USB Plasma Ball does some pretty cool tricks”

  1. 1 Gadhe Pagal Aug 6th, 2015 at 6:31 AM


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