Fear of commitment? Get a tattoo printer

mooding tattoo printer

This invention is called the “moodInq”. It’s basically a temporary tattoo printer for people with a fear of commitment. But it’s not just for people that can’t commit.

How many tattoos have you seen of butterflies, asian symbols, cherry blossoms and barbed wire? That’s right ladies. I’m talking to you! These fads will always let people know what era you came from. Suckas!

But seriously, if I had this in the 80s I could have kept things fresh. When I’m at the beach I’m showcasing reruns of Garey Colemen from Different Strokes.

So if you still don’t heed my warning and you still are into tattoos of the real and permanent variety, try the tattoo masher idea generator here where you can check out what a tattoo will look like on yourself before you go under the needle.

Forever is a long time.

Get your awesome temp tattoo printer here

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2 Responses to “Fear of commitment? Get a tattoo printer”

  1. 1 James Kelley Apr 30th, 2010 at 11:11 AM

    You know this is an April Fools Joke from Thinkgeek.com as is the Arcade Cabinet for the Ipad!

  2. 2 Grrambo Apr 30th, 2010 at 2:17 PM

    Joke or no joke these are pretty funny and cool ideas! And the funny thing is, they would totally sell.

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