Avoid pins and needles with The Arm Sleepers Pillow

Arm Sleeper Pillow

The Arm Sleepers Pillow is one of those “Why didn’t I think of that?” inventions.

But I did think of it.

Just never did anything about it.

But since this invention is pretty popular, it’s got me thinking. If there was a gadget that could stop my butt from falling asleep when I sit on the can writing gadget reviews for 2 hours, I’d be rich.

Regardless, this invention is pretty sweet. I’m pretty sure no pillow case will fit this bad boy perfectly but I’m sure a regular queen-size case will do the trick.

Now all they need to do is invent a pillow that has a mold for my face when I sleep on my stomach.

Hit the jump for your arm sleeper pillow here

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