A good idea that holds up, iPhone app fridge magnets

iPhone App Fridge Magnets | One More Gadget

One More Gadget | iPhone App Magnets

Here are some pretty cool magnets for those Apple Fanboys and Fangirls. Each set contains 18 high quality fridge magnets of all your favorite desktop iPhone apps. They are about 0.85″ square and look identical to the iPhone app logos:

SMS, iCalendar, Photos, Camera, YouTube, Stocks, Maps, Weather, Clock, Calculator, Notes, Preferences, iTunes, Apps Store, Phone, E-mail, Safari and iPod.

Not only are these incredibly strong magnets, they basically turn your fridge into a giant phone. Which is pretty cool.

You can often find me using the fridge as a cell phone trying to call Kelly Kapowski.

It’s what I do.

Get your iPhone App Fridge Magnets from Find Me A Gift here

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1 Response to “A good idea that holds up, iPhone app fridge magnets”

  1. 1 Edward Stuart May 7th, 2012 at 2:48 PM

    My teenager will love these. I think I do too!

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